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Train the UPRT Flight Simulator (FSTD) Trainer

All commercial airlines are required to include recurrent FSTD UPRT over the normal 3 year Simulator Programme.  Whilst there are psychological and physiological limitations of delivering UPRT in an FSTD, this training delivers genuine benefits in increasing the likelihood of recoveries from flight upsets.

The value of FSTD UPRT is entirely dependent upon the quality of the instructors.  EASA has defined the requirements for UPRT TRIs but many organisations pay lip-service to fulfilling these.  With many TRIs having had no personal experience of genuine flight upsets in commercial or training aircraft, the value of the training delivered may not be the best.  EASA suggests that the value of this training would be enhanced if UPRT TRIs undergo on-aircraft UPRT.


We deliver “Train the UPRT TRI Trainer” courses that materially enhance the quality and the value of UPRT delivered in FSTDs.  This is comprised of a four hour session on a Flight Simulator Training Device which follows on naturally from our UPRT On-Aircraft exercises and includes all of the key requirements and concepts made in the Industry standard Airplane Upset Prevention & Recovery Training Aid – Revision 3 (AUPRTA).

  • Upset Prevention & Awareness Exercises

  • Roll Performance Demonstration

  • Stall Recovery and Envelope Awareness

  • Unusual Position Recovery Exercises

  • High Altitude Thrust-Limited Condition Exercises

  • Awareness and Prevention: Situational Awareness Development, Developing Pilot Resilience

  • Crew Resource Management and All-Attitude Upset Recovery Strategies 

Delegates of the ‘Train the Trainer’ package will normally have attended our on-aircraft UPRT course.  For this programme Trainers will review and adapt their Simulator Training packages to more effectively deliver UPRT expertise.


If required, we can spend a day with the delegates on their own organisation’s FSTDs to test and sample revisions to in-house training packages.


Please contact us for more information.


Academic Classroom based Training for TRIs and TREs


This one day course is recommended for TRIs and TREs delivering UPRT. 


An example syllabus of an Airbus Academic "Train the Trainer" programme is given below. 


  1. Why UPRT?

  2. UPRT Philosophy – The mantra of Avoid, Recognise, Recover

  3. Value of Integrated Training and criticality of academic and practical knowledge

  4. Requirements for FSTD UPRT Instructors – real world and regulatory

  5. Understanding what a Flight Upset is and isn’t

  6. Teaching how to AVOID Flight Upsets – causes, awareness, TEM, automation mode confusion

  7. Teaching how to RECOGNISE Flight Upsets – understanding what ‘normal’ looks like, and why crews lose SA

  8. Teaching how to RECOVER from Flight Upsets – Recovery strategies as advocated by the OEMS 

  9. OEM recovery recommendations in detail - and company QRH differences. Airbus 4 Golden Rules 

  10. Review of counter-intuitive recovery actions and associated challenges

  11. Alternative Control Strategies – rudder hardovers, jammed elevator/ailerons, trim runaways

  12. The challenges of delivering UPRT in FSTDs; limitations, VTE, physiological and physiological factors, use of IOS, avoiding negative training and negative transfer of training

  13. Scenario Based Training and Manoeuvre Based Training in UPRT; frequent repetition of MBT to counteract Primacy of Training

  14. Human factors in UPRT

  15. CRM and UPRT – probably the most overlooked aspect; the criticality of ‘Say and Do’ recoveries, sidestick priority

  16. Managing Startle and Fear – the biggest challenge of all?

  17. High Altitude UPRT Issues

  18. Simplifying Flight Upset Recovery – KISS; the way the OEMS will go in the future?

  19. Developing resilience – building layers of UPRT protection and the UH Coping Funnel

  20. Evidence Based Training: Core Competencies and Behavioural Indicators

  21. Recurrent UPRT FSTD

  22. UPRT Sim Exercises

Please contact us for more information.

CAA Approved Training Organisation ATO.GBR-0494


ELCAS Provider 10824 Power Aerobatics Ltd

VAT No. 777 5562 77

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The UK's Leading Flight Safety Academy

Goodwood Aerodrome, Chichester, West Sussex PO18 0PH, UK

Tel: +44 1243 913 916

MOD Approved Supplier

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